a new Windows built for the current SVN version is available. All changes can be followed in the included ChangeLog.
I want to mention the following Windows-only related changes: - the GTK version included in the full installer was updated to 2.10.11 - the binary was still built against GTK 2.6 so it will also run with older GTK versions - some invalid filename encoding conversions were fixed - we use now g_stat() which works better with filename which contain special characters(German Umlauts and other non-ascii characters)
Files: http://files.uvena.de/geany/geany-0.11svn_r1456_nogtk_setup.exe http://files.uvena.de/geany/geany-0.11svn_r1456_setup.exe http://files.uvena.de/geany/geany-0.11svn_r1456_win32.zip
Regards, Enrico
-- Get my GPG key from http://www.uvena.de/pub.key