On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Frank Lanitz frank@frank.uvena.de wrote:
On Thu, 26 Feb 2009 17:51:43 +0530 Manish Sinha mail@manishsinha.net wrote:
Coming to the point. I am running Ubuntu 8.04.2 on my laptop. The highest version of Ubuntu possible on this Ubuntu version is 0.14, since 0.15 requires a gtk version not in 8.04. Intrepid has 0.15, but it has some problems with my hardware and other reason is that 8.04 is a LTS. Hardy has 0.13 in repos and I installed 0.14 from getdeb.net ( a crude way, I know)
Geany 0.16 is depending on Gtk 2.8.x. I've got current svn version running on Xubuntu 8.04.2. If there is no suitable package avaialble, maybe you can compile it on your own: http://www.geany.org/manual/index.html#installation
Hi Manish,
I'm currently fetching Geany 0.16 from a Personal Package Archive on Launchpad:
Klaus has hardy build of 0.16, so you're in luck :)
Just grab sources.list entry for Hardy using the drop-down, add the entry via "System -> Administration -> Software Sources -> Third Party Software", and you'll be laughing.
Best, Maris