Geany 0.10.2 has been released.
This is a small bugfix release to fix a serious bug which can cause a crash of your complete X session or at least of several running applications.
Thanks to anonymous (:P) for reporting this. The related bug report can be found on https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=787791&aid=1668017....
This fix only affects the non-Windows version of Geany, so there are no new Windows builds available. Current release for Windows is 0.10.1.
As usual, all downloads can be found on http://geany.uvena.de/ http://files.uvena.de/geany/ or https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=153444
We will be happy about any feedback, whether positive or negative ;-).
Regards, Enrico
-- Get my GPG key from http://www.uvena.de/pub.key