On Sun, 09 Dec 2007 14:24:05 +0100, Javier Vilarroig javier.vilarroig@gmail.com wrote:
Hi. First of all I want to congratulate the developers for doing that nice IDE environment. I love it!! I have been trying some other programs and that's the better. Thanks for giving us this marvelous program. :)
Thank you!
Does exist a way to support editing Smarty templates on Geany? By now I'm using HTML as file type, but gives me some problems.
If it doesn't exist I volunteer to work on it, but then I will need some pointers on where to start looking :)
To highlight the smarty parts within HTML code, we'll need a Scintilla lexer for it. I found a discussion[1] on this but it is over a year old and it seems there was no progress since then.
Basic information on how to start coding for Geany can be found in the file HACKING(included in the source distribution and available at [2]). For further information and questions, just ask here.
[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/scintilla-interest@lyra.org/msg01993.html [2] http://geany.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/*checkout*/geany/trunk/HACKING?revis...
Regards, Enrico