Hi everyone,
Before starting this mail, I would like to tell you that I discovered Geany in the Ubuntu repos around one and a half years back. It was so light-weight, nearly non-existent dependencies (a few). I was taken back by the simplicity, and lightness of this software. I started propagating it and found many taker. When I did my summer internship at Microsoft - India, I suggested geany to some of the regular developers who were heavily loaded with work and were fed up with hundreds of open files in Visual Studio (its bulky). Even many people in MS liked it. Open Source in MS :)
Coming to the point. I am running Ubuntu 8.04.2 on my laptop. The highest version of Ubuntu possible on this Ubuntu version is 0.14, since 0.15 requires a gtk version not in 8.04. Intrepid has 0.15, but it has some problems with my hardware and other reason is that 8.04 is a LTS. Hardy has 0.13 in repos and I installed 0.14 from getdeb.net ( a crude way, I know)
I have noticed that PHP has autocomplete in 0.14 but Python does not. Python's default syntax highlighting looks more complete than that of PHP. I use PHP and Python a lot, so Geany is a good choice from a long time. When I found autocomplete, my joy knew no bounds, but is this autocomplete restricted to PHP? Is Python autocomplete available in higher versions? 0.16 is the latest, but I didnt find anything in the changelog.
For Python autocomplete, do I have to do a "feature request"? I just wanted to know whether its already in higher versions since I cant install it due to gtk dependency. If it's not implemented, I wish to request this feature. I am also ready to help the developers with this work.
Regards, Manish Sinha
Blog : http://blog.manishsinha.net Tech: http://manishtech.wordpress.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/manishsinha