Le 01/04/2011 22:46, Росен Стоянов a écrit :
Hey guys,
I really like a the work you've been doing to make Geany such a great editor! I use it on a daily basis and it makes my work a whole lot easier. Thanks and keep up the good work!
Thanks :)
I wanted to contribute to the project somehow, but i can't, due to the lack of C programming skills. I felt bad about it, so i decided to help in another way.
That's cool, there's plenty of things to do if you don't know what to do with your time :D (improve the documentation, the translations, help users, ...)
With all the noise about the new wiki and stuff i thought that Geany's website also needs a face lift.
I've no opinion on whether the current site's appearance should be changed, but when we'll get the Wiki running we'll definitely need something integrated (moreover if we finally use DokuWiki that have a really bad default appearance).
I'm not a designer, i just make websites work (frontend & backend). But i downloaded a couple of images(free) from the internet and did some coding and here's the result:
It's just a layout, nothing is fully functional. I'm just throwing down ideas and i wanted to get an opinion :)
I think I don't have received something.. an image, or a link?
Cheers, Colomban