I've got some files in an older defunct scripting language that I'd like to edit, but I want to at least have some basic syntax highlighting for it.
I just had a look at the "Filetype definition files" section of the manual (http://geany.uvena.de/manual/ch03s09.html).
Also, I also see that there only *seems* to be only 16 scintilla filetypes available:
.../src/geany/scintilla$ ls -1 Lex*.cxx LexAsm.cxx LexBash.cxx LexCaml.cxx LexConf.cxx LexCPP.cxx LexCrontab.cxx LexCSS.cxx LexHTML.cxx LexOMS.cxx LexOthers.cxx LexPascal.cxx LexPerl.cxx LexPython.cxx LexRuby.cxx LexSQL.cxx LexTCL.cxx
(well, maybe a couple more since LexOthers.cxx contains a few), however in geany: "Document --> Set filetype" I see a number of languages listed there that don't seem to be represented by Lex*.cxx files, such as "D" (and maybe "O-Matrix" (?)). Furthermore, I don't see Crontab listed in the menu items, even though there's a LexCrontab.cxx file for it. (Hm . . . incidentally, LexOMS.cxx & LexBash.cxx look almost identical.)
What is the correspondence between those Lex*.cxx files and the geany menu items in "Document --> Set filetype"?
Can I easily create a new syntax highlighting patterns such that a new menu item will show up in "Document --> set filetype"? I already tried copying (from $prefix/share/geany to ~/.geany/filedefs), renaming, and modifying an existing one, but it doesn't work, and my guess is that I first need a scintilla Lex*.cxx file . . . .
Thanks, ---John