Hi all,
during the last days I worked on a spell check plugin and here we go.
It checks the content of the current document in Geany with the spell check program Aspell. You can also select a certain text passage, then the plugin will only check the selected text. All lines with misspelled words are highlighted with a red squiggly underline and the wrong words are printed in the messages window at the bottom of Geany together with available suggestions. For the plugin to work at all, you need to have the Aspell library installed together with at least one dictionary. The plugin's configure dialog lists all available languages/dictionaries which can be used for the spell check.
It requires a recent SVN version of Geany to compile and load, at the time of writing, revision 2590 should be good.
Website: http://geany-plugins.sourceforge.net/spellcheck/
Downloads: http://geany-plugins.sourceforge.net/spellcheck/spellcheck-0.1.tar.bz2 or http://geany-plugins.sourceforge.net/spellcheck/spellcheck-0.1.tar.gz
Subversion checkout command:
svn checkout http://geany-plugins.sourceforge.net/svnroot/geany-plugins/trunk/spellcheck
There is still much room for improvements, like the ability to automatically replace misspelled words with a chosen suggestion or to add words to user dictionaries. If anyone wants to work on this or want to maintain this plugin in the future, just contact me (I will otherwise).
Regards, Enrico