Am 19.04.2012 21:13, schrieb Luca Borrione:
I think there is a misunderstanding: I don't have to type * * (which is the html entity) .. I need the character itself. I wrote it only to be more clear, apparently without luck :)
I was half-trolling you there given that i’m using neo2 (http://neo-layout.org) that has two non-breaking space variants built-in ;)
Any editor has to deal with special characters:for example in Word you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR to type a non-breaking space.
Interesting. I didn’t know that was possible.
If there's no way to insert it with a Geany shortcut, is there any ALT + UNICODE equivalent in Ubunutu?
That should be possible with Compose (first google hit: http://www.hermit.org/Linux/ComposeKeys.html). I can’t really help you there, neo ships with its own compose definitions.
Cheers, Daniel
- -- Daniel Horz jabber/mail/sip: daniel@vandenhorz.de
pgp key: https://daniel.vandenhorz.de/key.asc (5A6A89E3)