Enrico Tröger wrote:
Currently I'm running the OSE version of VirtulBox which is pretty cool. Normal working with the guest OS is also pretty fast (compared to older versions). It's just compiling Geany completely which is a bit annoying because it's just noticeably slower (this is ok, it's an emulated system) and I don't have ccache on Windows :). However, maybe I find some Windows binaries somewhere, hehe. [...] [1] AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+
I'm running on AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor TK-55 at 1.8GHz on a laptop. I/O intensive stuff is slower, probably mostly because I'm using the qcow2 format; using raw format files or a dedicated partition is faster. Something similar might benefit your VirtualBox config if you haven't looked at that aspect.
I think KVM is worth checking out again, it has had some improvements. Conversely, it's probably time I checked out VirtualBox, I haven't looked at it since just before Sun bought them out.
cheers, Ross.