Enrico Tröger wrote:
On Wed, 04 Jul 2007 16:48:16 -0700, chuck ctl@arrowtwins.com wrote:
Just built svn 1664 on Windows xp with MinGW. Complete build from cleaned out .o files. The Search dialog focus thing is still an issue. IF using only the mouse, the focus remains on the Find Dialog after the wrap. But using only the keyboard ( hitting return to cycle to the next find ) then after the "wrap" dialog, the focus returns to the document and hitting return again causes the expected change in
Oops, fixed in SVN r1667. I just used a wrong pointer to the search dialog. Anyway, Geany is also minimized on your Windows after closing the search dialog once the wrap dialog appeared?
No, that did not happen. Geany was there, a new line had been entered and the find dialog was on top...
Just did a rebuild with svn 1668 and all is well; search dialog and wrapping with using return. No minimization.
By the way, Since about 1655, the About box no longer shows the SVN rev in the area just under the window title bar. And it is different on Linux ( which still says (Geany 0.12svn >= r1655" ) and Windows ( which says "Geany 0.12svnsvn >= SVN" ). Technically I guess they are both correct. Not a biggy, but if someone is looking in that area...