On 01/18/06 10:56, Kristoffer A. Tjernås wrote:
Hi, and thanks for a wonderfully light Editor/IDE!
- Goto linenumber functionality
Press right mouse button in a editing window, and look at the end of the popup menu ;-)
- commandline option to open a file in a new tab in the already running instance
of Geany. So I could use the built-in terminal to open files for editing :)
I put it to the TODO list.
- Customizable short-keys
This is already on the TODO list.
- Customizable toolbar buttons. Ability to create buttons that can:
- run a script/command and input the result in the active file at the marker/selected
- run a script/command and return the result in a dialog or message window.
Unsure whether I implement this, but probably I will rewrite the whole compiling and building section and I will this keep in mind.
- Configurable "messages window" placement. Maybe I'm weird, but I would find
it usefull to have these on left or right, instead of bottom.
I don't think that this will be implemented because this causes too much code to be changed, sorry.
- Inverted colors on selected text (like someone already mentioned)
Yes, it was already mentioned, it is on the TODO list, but at the moment I have no idea how to implement.
- If you ever include a "Project Manager", make a general (simple project) option to
add single files and filetypes like *.php, *.pl etc. With a "project files" list in the "left window". And a customizable command to package all the files in the project :)
Ok, when I implement a project management I will do this, but this would take some(i.e. a lot of ;-)) time.
- customizable short-keys to show/hide the "left window" and "messages window".
Ok, will be done when I implement the customizable short-keys.
Thanks for your suggestions.
regards, Enrico