On 19 Feb 2007 14:47:29 +0000, "P.J.G. Long" pjgl2@cam.ac.uk wrote:
I have been down loading the SVN tarballs and seeing that the Project additions are beginning to be added. As indicated in a previous email I have an interest in using Geany as a IDE for our undergraduates, hopefully giving a single editor with a simple gui that can be used, at least for the first year or so, for a number of different languages, typically C/C++/Assembler/Octave/Matlab/Basic and possibly Latex. One thing I am interested in doing is running c/c++ both locally and cross compiled and wondered if anything like this planned for your project management, i.e. the understanding of different target directories for different architectures.
I'm not sure what you mean. Can you go into more detail?
Also I noticed that the documentation seems to be a 1-2 of verssions behind and wondered one what timescales it might be
Really? Look at http://geany.uvena.de/manual/, there is the manual for 0.10. Only the HTML files in SVN are a bit outdated(they are from the 0.10 release) but the file geany.docbook is up to date. Where did you find an older version of the document?
And yes, even the most current version is not yet complete...
Regards, Enrico
P.S.: could you please post with the same email address (pjgl2@eng.cam.ac.uk) as you are subscribed to this list? This would save me from manually accepting your mails. Thanks.
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