On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 14:09:03 +0800, Sam wrote:
It will show out the message I mentioned. Under the configuration dialog, I can not choose any language. (Here is no any language in the list.) I had install aspell, NotePad++ work well. What configuration should I set for aspell, e.g. PATH variable? (For example, C:\Tools\Aspell\bin is at the list of PATH variable.)
Ah, you are on Windows. That's good to know :).
Anyway, as you noticed the error handling and reporting in the SpellCheck plugin isn't as good as it could be. At some time, I'll improve this. Did you try to set the dictionary path in the preferences dialog to the directory where you dictionary files reside? I guess it's somewhere in C:\Tools\Aspell..., I don't remember the path layout on Windows.
If I enable spell plugin, geany will crash with data append below:
Oops. Unfortunately, the crash information (also not the screenshot) don't help me.
Regards, Enrico