Hey all,
just for your interest, some days ago we changed a few things on the website:
- separated Plugin Wishlist from Plugins page: the plugin wishlist has now its own page and can still be edited. The plugin page only holds general information about plugins and a list of known plugins. The main reason for this was to reduce security risks by getting malicious links in the world-editable pages. So, if you want to visit any link listed on the plugin wishlist or the Contributions pages be careful as they could be faked and link to another target than exposed in the link text. Always remember there are spammers, botters and other bad people out there :(.
- related to the above problem we enabled a security feature called 'URLApprove' which hides any new links which are added when editing wiki pages until an admin (Nick, Frank and me) has approved these URLs. It's something like a moderation but just for URLs not for content. If you find any links which aren't working and have a 'approval' text next to them, just mail one of us and/or wait until someone of us checked it.
- partly related to these issues we enabled RSS feeds, you can basically subscribe a RSS feed of any of the wiki pages. The most useful page is the AllRecentChanges page which lists any site changes. The link to the RSS (2.0) feed for this page is: http://geany.uvena.de/Main/AllRecentChanges?action=rss
- the Download/Releases page has been split to separate all the third party package links into an own page and to keep the basic Releases page small and list only 'official' Geany packages (source + Windows binaries).
Regards, Enrico