On 04/04/11 06:55, Lex Trotman wrote:
But the font size is fixed, which is no good. To give you an idea, note in my screen shot how much extra space there is on each side compared to yours, now think how small that makes the text. I currently use 18 point as default, but you probably wouldn't want that on your screen.
Press Ctrl and + to zoom in :)
I have a big monitor as well, and I've noticed many of the nice professional sites don't scale or change the font size when the browser is resized. Some of the nice ones I've noticed lately:
http://www.ubuntu.com/ http://gitorious.org/ http://ground-control.org/ http://store.apple.com/ca/ http://www.libreoffice.org/
I usually use only half of my monitor for the browser, which works well with this style of fixed-width, centered websites that seems to be all the rage.
Note also that all those examples are using the same general style of "across the top" menus. I think a lot of people look there by default nowadays for the main site navigation.
My $0.02 CAD.
Cheers, Matthew Brush