Just a small bug, most likely something relating to Scintilla though.
Anyway, when using Pascal source files, the last "end." does not get
syntax-highlighted unless there is a newline just below it. Free Pascal
doesn't need a newline at the end of it's source files normally, so I
don't normally place one there (and also turn this setting off in the
Geany preferences), but it shouldn't really not highlight the last
"end." if I miss this newline out, should it?
Also, if I do place a newline after the last "end.", so it syntax
highlights, there is another bug where the code folding goes beyond the
last end.
Nothing major, just thought I'd mention it.
The screenshot should explain it better than I can, I hope you don't
mind attachments on this list, therefore I tried making the file as
small in size as possible.