Hi All,
This was posted to the Geany devel list and did not get much response. So either no-one uses snippets much or no-one cares much.
It has been posted here to see if there are any snippets users who have useful suggestions and to gauge how much use there is of snippets to see if it is worth the effort removing the repitition, or if more language specific suggestions are forthcoming.
Cheers Lex
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Lex Trotman elextr@gmail.com Date: Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 1:36 PM Subject: Default Snippets To: Geany development list geany-devel@uvena.de
Hi All,
There are problems with the default snippets applying to all documents. It is not possible to add <snippet><tab> in a document even though the snippet is irrelevant to that filetype.
A recent conversation on the ML showed problems with the Haskell do snippet and shortly after I hit the problem adding "if<tab>" in a text document (Murphy I guess).
Basically having language specific snippets in the default section is just wrong.
The current defaults are C or C++ specific so in https://github.com/elextr/geany_stuff/raw/master/snippets.conf I moved them there and to Java, but I understand that other languages may want them as well so I decided to post here before committing.
I'll collate suggestions, patches etc then commit.
Cheers Lex