I'd like to ask if there's a possibility to pass compilation/build/execute commands directly to the shell and not via geany_run_script.sh file.
Greetings and thanks for the answer...
On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:04:29 +0100, Marek Wojciechowski mwojc@p.lodz.pl wrote:
compile and execute commands are always used directly, only the run command is using a shell script as a wrapper to add a "Press return to continue" break otherwise the opened terminal would close immediately. Additionally, with this script the program's exit code can be displayed as well as output non-expected output. Why do you want to skip it?
Regards, Enrico
Dnia czwartek 29 listopad 2007, Enrico Tröger napisał:
Well. I thought about running python scripts directly in ipython (http://ipython.scipy.org) instance opened in terminal. There is a very convenient command: "run script_name.py" in ipython which allows to keep all variables in the python session. However, running "./geany_run_script.sh" is not allowable in ipython console...
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 19:59:14 +0100, Marek Wojciechowski mwojc@p.lodz.pl wrote:
I still don't understand what you are trying to do. You have a ipython session running in a terminal and Geany's Run command should call run python_file.py in this ipython instance?
Regards, Enrico
Dnia czwartek 29 listopad 2007, Enrico Tröger napisał:
I have ipython running in Geany's terminal at the bottom of Geany's window. I run scripts via this embedded terminal. Now, i'd like "run python_file.py" to be passed there instead of "./geany_run_script.sh".
Greetings and thanks for your help
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 21:40:51 +0100, Marek Wojciechowski mwojc@p.lodz.pl wrote:
Ok, we could add a VTE pref to skip the run script and instead pass the command directly to the VTE. I guess this would solve your problem.
Regards, Enrico
On Tue, 4 Dec 2007 16:44:26 +0100, Marek Wojciechowski mwojc@p.lodz.pl wrote:
Sorry for the delay.
I just added this in SVN r2105. You can find this option in the VTE preferences.
Regards, Enrico
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 20:30:09 +0100 Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
The reason I wish there was an alternative to ./geany_run_script.sh is that it is prone to permissions problems in fuse-mounted remote directories. A command like "php -f /mountpoint/index.php" will run directly, but fails when wrapped in geany_run_script.sh unless the local and remote user are identical, which is usually not the case.
On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 21:17:50 -0700, Steve steve@trinidadgraphics.com wrote:
geany_run_script.sh is chmod'ed to 0700 so only the owner is allowed to execute it. Should we change it to something like 0755?
Regards, Enrico
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 18:58:29 +0100 Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:04:29 +0100, Marek Wojciechowski mwojc@p.lodz.pl wrote:
I agree :D
It's a bit annoying while opening a compiled LaTeX-document to have another window.
Regards, Frank