I have not been able to find the markdown plugin for Geany for CentOS 7 on EPEL despite a number of other plugins being available. I filed a bug report some time ago so it may eventually be resolved.
In the meantime, has anyone found it in a repository or should I compile all plugins from the Geany website?
On Fri, 2017-09-22 at 19:39 -0400, H wrote:
There were some issues with webkitgtk on Fedora lately, which basically is the reason why the markdown plugin has been more or less temporarily disabled until a solution is present for that one.
Probably I'll make it the next days to at least build a workaround for epel7 to provide the plugin there then. It's always a bit of question of time, though, since I'm building the packages in my spare free time beneath usual work…
Meanwhile, can you provide me with the link to your above mentioned bug report?
Thanks & Regards, Dominic
On 09/23/2017 04:21 PM, Dominic Hopf wrote:
That sounds great! See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1481051. This bug report mentions both the absence of the Markdown plugin and the fact that the Document plugin corrupts the geany menu bar and tool icons.
Thank you.
Sigh, I do wish distros or OPs would reliably push bug reports upstream like you have done. Relying on one person (Dominic or his equivalent for other distros) is, well, unreliable :)
Thanks Lex
On 25 September 2017 at 10:16, H agents@meddatainc.com wrote:
On 25 September 2017 at 10:43, H agents@meddatainc.com wrote:
Thank you but I am not sure my bug report went anywhere until I now also decided to post on this mailing list...
Yes, thats what I mean, upstream projects, especially small ones like Geany, can't watch all the distro bug trackers, there are far too many. So unless distro contributors or OPs push reports upstream like you did, we don't know about them.
A github issue is preferred to ML for a bug report simply because it does not get lost in the maelstrom of emails, and all it needs to do is contain a link to the distro bug tracker (and probably post a link to the Geany issue in the bug tracker to close the circle).
Well, thats my rant for today, thanks for listening :)
By the way, for "Document" plugin I assume you mean the Geanydoc plugin?
Newer User: Can "search" place the selected text into the searchwindow even when it is displayed? It is a pain to dismiss the searchwindow each time I want to do a different search. Thanks in advance for any help Ron
I'm sorry for being a bit unresponsive the last days. At least I want to let you know I'm still working on it. The mockbuilds on my fedora machine doesn't seem to work out so far. Next try will be with a real Centos 7 box then.
Regards, Dominic
On Tue, 17 Oct 2017, 22:56 H, agents@meddatainc.com wrote:
On October 27, 2017 1:18:44 PM EDT, Dominic Hopf via Users users@lists.geany.org wrote:
Thank you, looking forward to it!
On 03/26/2018 10:04 PM, H wrote:
I have geany 1.31 installed on my CentOS 7 system. The plugins missed the markdown plugin so I downloaded the sourcecode from github, ran ./autogen.sh, discovered an error message that required me to install geany-devel. This time when I ran ./autogen.sh I got another error message that I have no idea how to fix:
.libs/libgeanypluginutils_la-filelist.o: In function `filelist_scan_directory_int': /home/h/geany-plugins/utils/src/filelist.c:95: undefined reference to `utils_get_real_path' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Any idea how to fix the problem?
On 29 March 2018 at 00:14, Matthew Brush mbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
Or since you have cloned github, checkout the 1.31 version of the plugins.
On 2018-03-28 05:37 PM, H wrote:
This symbol was added in Geany 1.32[0], so if it the equivalent plugin release is testing for any less, it's a bug.
The plugin should work fine for all but the most bleeding edge distros, which have removed older webkit-gtk packages.
Regards, Matthew Brush
[0]: https://github.com/geany/geany/commit/4a60cdd12727f8f252a3e0d6921e26377ef849...
On 03/28/2018 09:21 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:
Noted. For now, however, I did compile the plugins - I ran ./configure and make as a regular user but noted that make install needed to be run as root. Do I then need to copy files to the appropriate directory, it does not look like make install does that, correct?
If I need to copy files, do I copy all of them or, if not, which ones?
On 2018-03-28 06:51 PM, H wrote:
When you run the configure script, at the end it prints a report of all what plugins will be built. If you're missing a dependency, it will skip building the plugin unless you explicitly pass --enable-markdown=yes, in which case it will cause an error. You probably didn't build it due to missing dependency.
Regards, Matthew Brush
On 03/28/2018 10:16 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:
I reran ./configure and you are absolutely correct, markdown is marked as no.
I do see that a number of other plugins were not build either: debugger, devhelp, geanygendoc, geanylua, geanypy, geanypg, geniuspaste, gitchangebar, multiterm, prettyprinter, scope, spellcheck, updatechecker and webhelper.
Are all of the other incompatible with CentOS 7?
On 31 March 2018 at 10:42, H agents@meddatainc.com wrote:
Its likely that you don't have the development packages installed for the dependencies those plugins need.
Also what GTK is your Geany using? See Menu->help->debug messages near the top.
On 1 April 2018 at 13:03, H agents@meddatainc.com wrote:
Ahh, some of the plugins are not GTK3 compatible, that would be why they are not being built.
On 2018-03-30 05:42 PM, H wrote:
No, as I said above:
"If you're missing a dependency, it will skip building the plugin unless you explicitly pass --enable-markdown=yes, in which case it will cause an error."
You can either use --enable-* configure options and install the dependencies it complains about or just use your package manager to install the build dependencies for the particular package to get them all. I don't use CentOS (or RH/Fedora) but according to Google, you can do the latter using:
$ yum-builddep geany-plugins
Assuming `geany-plugins` is the name of the package.
Regards, Matthew Brush
On 2018-03-28 06:21 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:
It's not a plugin, it's just a cross-plugin utility library[0], so it can't do the usual in-code plugin API/ABI check that plugins do. It should at least depend on the correct Geany version though (ie. PKG_CHECK_MODULES or GP_CHECK_GEANY or whatever). I guess the plugins linking to the util library need to bump their API/ABI versions instead.
Regards, Matthew Brush
[0]: https://github.com/geany/geany-plugins/tree/master/utils
On 2018-03-28 06:30 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:
Or provide a helper macro/function in the util lib to check for the highest of version that the plugin or the lib needs, to make it more automatic.
Or something like that.
Regards, Matthew Brush