I am currently using Xubuntu 6.10 and Geany 0.8 and I have a strange problem. When I run a program (no matter whether it is C, Java or Python) The geany_run_script.sh window opens, runs the program... and closes immediately without waiting for me to press return. Any ideas about how could I just have a normal behavior so the window would just stay open until I press the return key?
On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 03:05:09 +0100, "Víctor Niharra Fe" vniharra@gmail.com wrote:
I am currently using Xubuntu 6.10 and Geany 0.8 and I have a strange problem. When I run a program (no matter whether it is C, Java or Python) The geany_run_script.sh window opens, runs the program... and closes immediately without waiting for me to press return. Any ideas about how could I just have a normal behavior so the window would just stay open until I press the return key?
This is probably related to #1594456 ([1], read the comments). If so, it is already solved in the current SVN version. Can you test it?
[1] https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=787794&aid=1594456...
Regards, Enrico
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