Thanks all, have made some progress on theming the sidebar:
style "geanyStyle" { # text input base[NORMAL] = "#222222" text[NORMAL] = "#aaaaaa" # etc ... } widget "Geany*" style "geanyStyle" # widget "GeanyDialogSearch.*.GtkEntry" style "geanyStyle" # widget "GeanyDialog*.*.GtkEntry" style "widgets" # std colors, doesn't work
It works. As you can see this themes the search bar and dialog widgets also, which is mostly fine. The only issue that bugs me is that it makes the dialog radio/checkbox buttons hard to read. I tried to reset the dialogs but it didn't work. I'm rarely in the preference dialog these days, so no big deal.
If anyone knows the path to the sidebar widget (or the autocomplete popup menu) it would be great. Or a way to exclude radio/check buttons. ;) I didn't find anything in the links below, but may have missed it.
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 21:29:18 -0800 From: Matthew Brush mbrush@codebrainz.ca To: users@lists.geany.org Subject: Re: [Geany-Users] Gtk App Theming Message-ID: 527F19AE.9060909@codebrainz.ca
On 13-11-09 09:06 PM, Mike Miller wrote:
I've been digging into Gtk themes recently, and decided I'd like to have geany's sidebar colors match the editor window. I believe it can be done but need to know the widget names of the tree views under the Symbols and Documents tabs.
Anyone have experience with this?
Aside from the manual section Lex mentioned, there's also the gtkrc file:
As well I think you can access most everything else using names/ids found in the Glade file:
Although we make no promises on the stability of Glade widget names as made for plugin API, it's mostly stable.
Cheers, Matthew Brush
On 13-11-11 12:58 PM, Mike Miller wrote:
If anyone knows the path to the sidebar widget (or the autocomplete
The name of widget that has the Symbols in it "treeview2" and the name of the Documents one is "treeview6". I'm pretty sure you can match directly on those names (but I'm no Gtk theming expert to be sure).
Cheers, Matthew Brush