Hi, I've just found a minor bug in Geany 0.10, not quite sure if it also exists in the SVN.
It happens if I use "execute program in VTE".
You need to put your program in a folder with a space, I use a freepascal program, for example "/home/rob/gtk demos/gtk1.pas"
The program compiles fine, but when you try to execute the program (in the VTE), it cannot find the compiled program as it's looking for "/home/rob/gtk" not "/home/rob/gtk demos".
renaming "gtk demos" to "gtk_demos" works, so it just does not seem to like folders with a space in it.
Hello, Rob -
Attached is a possible fix, but maybe Enrico knows some better way.
- Jeff
Attached is a possible fix, but maybe Enrico knows some better way.
I think that patch is no good, because it doesn't take into account all the other special characters that the shell might interpret.
But maybe there is a glib function already made for this: g_shell_quote()
- Jeff
On Mon, 15 Jan 2007 04:31:29 -0600, "Jeff Pohlmeyer" yetanothergeek@gmail.com wrote:
Rob, thanks for reporting.
Also I don't think (read: hope) that in the path of an opened file should be any quotes.
But maybe there is a glib function already made for this: g_shell_quote()
My first attempt was to just include the path into quotes like this: cmd = g_strconcat("cd "", path, ""\n", NULL); This should solve the problem at least for whitespaces in the path. But there might be also some special characters(like German umlauts) in the path. I will also have a look at g_shell_quote().
Regards, Enrico
P.S.: Life of developers could be so nice if it were not possible to use whitespace and other special characters in paths and filenames ;-).
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On Mon, 15 Jan 2007 14:44:46 +0100, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
g_shell_quote() doesn't do really more than escaping the given string. Ok it also takes care of already existing quotes in the string, but as mentioned above this really should not happen. So I used my first idea and it should be fixed in SVN r1192. Btw I did some testing with German umlauts and it already works.
Regards, Enrico
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