I discovered Geany the other day (thanks to the new Fedora Extras package) and would like to congratulate you on your work. I've been looking for an all-purpose programming editor for some time and think that this might be the one. I work mainly in python, php, latex, lilypond, xml and do some hacking in c and bash.
Just a couple of relatively minor bugs which I've noticed and a couple of features which I think might be useful to some people.
1. The commandline option --line doesn't seem to work for me when using an already running instance of geany. Also, even when opening new instance, the cursor will go to the correct line, but the window will not scroll to show the cursor.
2. A corresponding option --column would be great also. I use Lilypond (a latex like musical typesetter) which creates pdfs with embedded hyperlinks to the source document [1].
3. The symbols pane for latex files doesn't recognise commands with * after them. The * is used for many latex command variants e.g. unnumbered sections: \section*{}.
I have a few other ideas, but will leave it at that for the moment until I've used Geany for a bit longer. I'd also love to help out where I can if possible. My C programming is pretty rusty, but I can do simple patches, or other things such as documentation etc.
[1] http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.10/Documentation/user/lilypond/Point-and-click.ht...