Hi, I'm learning web development for the first time on Windows. I'd like to know if it is possible to have syntax checking for php, html and css. Also, this is a trivial question, but I can't see a 'Create New file/ Directory' in the Document List sidebar when I right click. Thanks in advance..
Am Samstag, den 02.01.2010, 14:00 -0800 schrieb New Coder:
I'm learning web development for the first time on Windows. I'd like to know if it is possible to have syntax checking for php, html and css. Also, this is a trivial question, but I can't see a 'Create New file/ Directory' in the Document List sidebar when I right click.
Thanks in advance..
Syntax checking of PHP and (X)HTML is an easy one. Just use the corresponding external tool als compiler program (which can be set via Build->Set Includes & Arguments) e.g. the php command (maybe including the path to the php.exe or php-cli.exe and some arguments) for PHP. For (X)HTML there is HTML Tidy: http://tidy.sourceforge.net/ which can be called from within Geany.
Unfortunately I don't know any tool which checks CSS Syntax, but there may also is something from W3C.
Regards, Dominic
Am Samstag, den 02.01.2010, 14:00 -0800 schrieb New Coder:
I'm learning web development for the first time on Windows. I'd like to know if it is possible to have syntax checking for php, html and css. Also, this is a trivial question, but I can't see a 'Create New file/ Directory' in the Document List sidebar when I right click.
Thanks in advance..
Found one for CSS: http://csstidy.sourceforge.net/index.php Google is your friend ;)
Dominic Hopf wrote:
Found one for CSS: http://csstidy.sourceforge.net/index.php Google is your friend ;)
Or... just view the Warnings in the Error Console in Firefox. While you're at it, whack on the HTML Validator extension for Firefox and make sure all the (X)HTML parses correctly too :)
On Sat, 2 Jan 2010 14:00:15 -0800 (PST), New wrote:
Hi, I'm learning web development for the first time on Windows. I'd like to know if it is possible to have syntax checking for php, html and css. Also, this is a trivial question, but I can't see a
Dominic already answered that :).
'Create New file/ Directory' in the Document List sidebar when I right click. Thanks in advance..
Such functionality doesn't fit into the Document List. It's meant to *list* open documents and nothing more.
Alternatively, there is the filebrowser plugin which shows the contents of the filesystem (i.e. 'drives' on Windows). But this also doesn't have such functionality as creating new files and especially directories is the job of a *file manager* which Geany and none of its components is and should be. So, either use File->New (resp. the keybinding Ctrl-N or the toolbar button) to open new documents in Geany and save them. Or create them in a file manager (e.g. Windows Explorer) and then open them in Geany.
Regards, Enrico