since I switched to Geany as my main code editor, I feel there are two other minor issues:
Search copy on Linux
1. do a text search in a file 2. keep the search dialog open 3. select one or more lines dragging the mouse with left button pressed 4. close the search dialog 5. paste the selected text by pressing the central mouse button 6. nothing happens
Copy $ vars on Linux
1. double click on a $ var, like $varname 2. paste by pressing the central mouse button 3. the $ is not pasted but only the "varname" part
Is this the intended behaviour? Maybe a problem with the underlying editor libraries?
On 5 October 2012 23:00, Alessandro Pasotti apasotti@gmail.com wrote:
This works for me on current Git.
Only varname is selected so thats all that is pasted. This is a function of the definition of what is a word to be selected by the double click.
Cheers Lex
2012/10/5 Lex Trotman elextr@gmail.com:
Sorry, I forgot one piece:
-1. select a word with the mouse double click, 0. copy it with CTRL+C 1. do a text search in a file 2. keep the search dialog open 3. select one or more lines dragging the mouse with left button pressed 4. close the search dialog 5. paste the selected text by pressing the central mouse button 6. the first word (selected with CTRL+C) is pasted instead of that selected with the mouse
Yes, it's clear to me that the $ is not selected, I'm asking why.
What I mean (and all KDE-based editors behave like that) is that the $ sign IS part of the (variable) word, and I normally want to copy that too.
On 7 October 2012 19:26, Alessandro Pasotti apasotti@gmail.com wrote:
Sadly this is a fight between the two ways of doing things, copy (ctrl+c) and paste(ctrl+v) and select/paste with middle button. There is still much religious debate as to how (if) the two should interact, search any relevant GTK list :( I'm sure KDE has or has had similar discussions. At the moment the current thinking seems to be that a clipboard takes precedence over the selection, so the text you copied takes precedence over the text you selected. Personally I would have kept the two disconnected, but that confuses many people and copy/paste doesn't work with some applications (like any terminal window). This behaviour happens inside Scintilla/GTK and is poorly documented and possibly even changes between versions of GTK (Scintilla is generally rather more stable but doesn't document its behaviour either) and is beyond our control in any case.
There has been a change in the last couple of days in the Git version that might help with this, allowing the definition of that constitutes a "word" as defined by a filetype file to override the default value. You might be able to add $ to the definition of wordchars for whatever your filetype is.
Cheers Lex
Le 07/10/2012 10:26, Alessandro Pasotti a écrit :
You need to update the wordchars setting, either in a per-filetype basis or in filetypes.common. In non-latest Git version, you also need to remove $ from whitespace_chars in filetypes.common.