On Wed, 26 Jul 2006 15:10:06 -0400, "John Gabriele" jmg3000@gmail.com wrote:
- How can I write my own syntax highlighting colorscheme? I'd
like to maybe make something like this: http://radarzombies.org/slinky/zenburn-snapshot.png (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=415).
I forgot to mention, that at the moment there is a small bug in Geany which causes Geany to interpret some hex colours wrong. But we didn't fixed it because then we have to change many of the default colour shemes. It will be fixed soon.
So, I think it would be the best to wait one or two weeks with starting a new theme to avoid unnecessary work. Sorry.
Please keep us posted on the status of this fix. :)
Status: fixed (in SVN).
Basically, the bug(the wrong interpretation of the hex values) caused to switch the red and blue value of the colours. So, 0x0000ff was red, 0xff0000 was blue. The green value was not affected.
Now it is fixed and Geany will interpret all hex values correct(at least I hope so). I adjusted all filetype definition files, so you shouldn't see a difference.
@All who ever changed the syntax highlighting: it could be that you have to change your modifications to let it look like before.
And because I had so much colours to change today, I built in a new feature: if you open the colour chooser dialog, it looks in the current file at the cursor position for a hex colour and when one is found, it will be selected in the dialog. I think this is useful when you are writing hex colours and quickly want to check whether it is the write one (remember: you can define a shortcut to open the colour chooser dialog).
Regards, Enrico
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