Just noticed another minor display (or maybe doc) issue: if I set the hidden pref show_editor_scrollbars=false, contrary to the docs, the scrollbars never appear -- even when the document is longer than what the view can display. I can still scroll down via the scroll wheel though.
Interesting sidenote, Geany's horizontal scrollbar at the bottom is a bit odd in the way that it lets you scroll way out to the right even if you don't have any long lines. It tends to make me think I've got a really long line somewhere in my doc. One way I've seen this feature work in other editors is, the size of the scrollbar slider grippy thingy at the bottom varies depending on the max line length *of only the lines currently visible in the view*. More commonly though, the size of the slider thingy just gets set based on the length of the longest line in the whole doc, and that works very well.
On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 14:02:29 -0500, "John Gabriele" jmg3000@gmail.com wrote:
thanks for pointing this out. This is a documentation bug. show_editor_scrollbars hides the scrollbars in any case, regardless of the necessity of the scrollbars. You can only hide them or show them. Docs are fixed in current SVN version.
This is a Scintilla feature/bug. It might seem like a bug to users but it is a wanted feature by the developer. From the Scintilla documentation: "For performance, Scintilla does not measure the display width of the document to determine the properties of the horizontal scroll bar. Instead, an assumed width is used. [...] The default value is 2000." We could change the default value of 2000 but it wouldn't really solve the problem as it would be only another fixed width.
Yes, that would be better. But Scintilla doesn't support this at the moment.
Regards, Enrico