I've made the transform over from ultraedit to genay and love it. Thought I'd never be able to pull it off. In fact there are things I now miss in geany when I have to occasional work in ultraedit. The symbols plugin. The highlights of all the words selected.
But one thing I just can not get working right is the workflow for search and search replace. I've tried several things and this is currently my process:
1. I've mapped the keys for find next to be F3 2. I've mapped the keys for fine next selection to be F2
I now highlight the work by double clicking. then press F2 and then have to switch to F3 for all subsequent finds.
With ultraedit it was super natural.
I would highlight the word by double clicking it and would just then press F3 to search. It would search for the highlighted word.
My problem is that geany does not allow for find next and find next selection to be mapped to the same key. I have to change keys and remember that on the first one I have to do F2 and then do F3. There has to be a better way for something that is so core to a code editor.
On Mon, 25 Oct 2010 10:46:46 -0400 Vineet Jain vinjvinj@gmail.com wrote:
- I've mapped the keys for find next to be F3
- I've mapped the keys for fine next selection to be F2
I now highlight the work by double clicking. then press F2 and then have to switch to F3 for all subsequent finds.
With ultraedit it was super natural.
I would highlight the word by double clicking it and would just then press F3 to search. It would search for the highlighted word.
My problem is that geany does not allow for find next and find next selection to be mapped to the same key. I have to change keys and remember that on the first one I have to do F2 and then do F3. There has to be a better way for something that is so core to a code editor.
I already answered you: http://www.mail-archive.com/geany@uvena.de/msg03021.html
(I updated the subject because the original subject was vague).
So to just repeat the last word, update Geany and add this to your geany.conf under [geany]: find_selection_type=2
I did it last time and could not figure out what changed. Can you please be a little bit more specific on what you changed? What do you mean by "just repeat the last word". With this change, can I search without having to switch.
On Mon, 25 Oct 2010 12:04:18 -0400 Vineet Jain vinjvinj@gmail.com wrote:
So to just repeat the last word, update Geany and add this to your geany.conf under [geany]: find_selection_type=2
I did it last time and could not figure out what changed. Can you please be a little bit more specific on what you changed? What do you mean by "just repeat the last word". With this change, can I search without having to switch.
It should do exactly what you want. BTW you should search for the key in the configuration file, as otherwise the original key may override the one you added.