I have auto-close functions for brackets enabled in geany (preferences>editor>completions). Typing a new bracket inside of another cuases a single bracket and not a completed-closed bracket-couple:
(() [[] {{}
Is there a way to manipulate geany to close any number of brackets and Everywhere they would come?
Geany only inserts the close bracket if the open bracket would be unmatched. Of course if you add an open bracket inside a pair of brackets then it will be matched by the close bracket of the existing pair, so no new bracket is added, even though the existing open bracket is now unmatched.
I don't know what the justification for this is, but its been that way for as long as Git has recorded (back to Geany 0.40) so nobody has ever found it bad enough to change, or at least not worth the effort.
Making the bracket matching algorithm more sophisticated may potentially require matching the whole file, and potentially be language specific if a bracket is also validly part of other tokens making improving it fairly significant.
On 8 May 2016 at 09:28, amir teymuri amirteymuri@gmx.de wrote: