(English below)
Leider ist das in der falschen ML gelandet. geany-i18n ist ursprünglich für die Koordination der Übersetzungen gedacht. Habe einfach mal die "normale" Geany List in den CC genommen.
On Mon, March 3, 2008 10:22 am, askforitagain@gmx.de wrote:
Ein solches Feature ist noch nicht für das Hauptprogramm in Planung, da es eine große Anzahl von Abhängigkeiten mit sich bringen würde. Eine Implementation als Plugin wäre aber denkbar, nur gibt es nach meinem Wissen kein Projekt dafür.
Gruß Frank
<Endlish> Question was: Is there a function to make Geany work together with ftp to upload a changed file directly to ftp. My answer: No, there isn't and there are no plans for including such a feature into main tree of Geany sincee it will need a lot of depedencies. Sorry. I think this could be implemented as a plugin, but I'm not sure, if somebody already is working on it.
Regards, Frank </English>
2008/3/3 Frank Lanitz frank@frank.uvena.de:
FWIW, on Linux you can easily mount remote FTP directories into local filesystems.
On Mon, 3 Mar 2008 22:04:28 +0100 "Milan Babuskov" milan.babuskov@gmail.com wrote:
FWIW, on Linux you can easily mount remote FTP directories into local filesystems.
Yes ;)
BTW: Always when I read something fuse-related, I think about something else: Does anybody tried to compile Geany on Plan9? (1) ;)
(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan9
On Mon, 3 Mar 2008 22:04:28 +0100, "Milan Babuskov" milan.babuskov@gmail.com wrote:
On Linux you can also mount remote filesystems with SSH.
Even on Windows this is possible, at least for FTP. There is a program called "NetDrive" and IIRC it's from Novell. It connects to a FTP server and creates a new drive with the contents of the remote directory.
Regards, Enrico