I'm using Geany 0.11 mainly for web programming and I've been editing PHP's template to se if it can suit my needs.
The {fileheader} variable seems to automatically choose the right comment and tags construction (if needed) to integrate into the target file. Unfortunately it uses the <? and ?> open and close tags instead of <?php and ?> in PHP files ! :(
As this tags may not work on some servers where the shorttags directive is off (it can also be misinterpreted by an XML parser as a processing instruction or an XML declaration), I suggest it's changed to the original and portable way [1]
Thanks for taking my suggestion into account ;) iKs.
PS: Please excuse my poor English, I'm French :D
On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 23:44:00 +0200, "Maxime Sadrieh (iKs)" iks279@free.fr wrote:
I'm using Geany 0.11 mainly for web programming and I've been editing PHP's template to se if it can suit my needs.
The {fileheader} variable seems to automatically choose the right comment and tags construction (if needed) to integrate into the target file. Unfortunately it uses the <? and ?> open and close tags instead of <?php and ?> in PHP files ! :(
As this tags may not work on some servers where the shorttags directive is off (it can also be misinterpreted by an XML parser as a processing instruction or an XML declaration), I suggest it's changed to the original and portable way [1]
Oops. You are completely right. Changed in SVN r1604. Thanks for reporting.
Regards, Enrico