Hello, I have been struggling with this for a couple of hours, mostly reading https://geany.org/manual/index.html#custom-filetypes to no avail, now it's time to ask for your help!
I have a rather simplistic custom filetype for Xresources files:
[styling] default=default comment=comment section=tag key=attribute assignment=operator defval=value
[lexer_properties] lexer.props.allow.initial.spaces=0
[settings] extension=xres mime_type=text/x-xres lexer_filetype=Conf wordchars=_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234 56789# comment_single=!
It works well enough; the only aspect where it differs from the Conf filetype is that comments start with a '!', not with a '#'. This works well enough, but not with #include directives that are also valid Xresources syntax. How can I tell geany to see _only_ lines starting with '!' as comments? Currently it treats lines starting with '!' and '#' both as comments.
Additional bonus: customised syntax highlighting for #include directives. Example: #include </path/to/includes/X.xres>
Thanks for a great lightweight IDE!
On Sun, 30 Aug 2020 at 23:24, D.T. ohnonot-github@posteo.de wrote:
The Lexers that recognise syntactic elements are part of the Scintilla editing widget Geany uses (and is a separate project from Geany).
Your line `lexer_filetype=Conf` selects the `Conf` syntax and the lexer likely has `#` as comment hard coded, after all its not variable in the Conf syntax.
So short of changing the code for the Conf lexer there is no way of setting the comment character.
Currently Geany does not support any form of user defined lexers which would need to use regular expressions or similar mechanisms. This keeps the code fast and light.
Cheers Lex
And while you are modifying the lexer you can add the bonus. :)