On Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:47:22 +0200, Yura Siamashka yurand2@gmail.com wrote:
Here is new plugin for geany - geanydoc. You need SVN version of geany to compile it.
First of all: Awesome (told you already on IRC).
geanydoc allow execute specified commands on the current word near the cursor position. This word is passed as an argument to these commands. It allow either place output of these commands in geany buffer *DOC* or just execute external program. Geanydoc is intended to be used for searching documentation API in different sources.
This sounds like the description for Geany's context action but your plugin does it better, more flexible.
So, does anyone disagree on removing the Context Action feature from Geany core in favour of the geanydoc plugin?
Regards, Enrico