On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 16:05:54 -0600, "Jeff Pohlmeyer" yetanothergeek@gmail.com wrote:
On Jan 11, 2008 7:55 AM, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
On Thu, 10 Jan 2008 17:04:03 -0600, "Jeff Pohlmeyer" yetanothergeek@gmail.com wrote:
For me, if something is NULL then it's false, so you won't find a lot of "if (something != NULL)" in my code it's just "if (something)".
Most people do this, but for some reason I personally don't like it very much. I can't really give a concrete reason, that's just the way it is.
You are certainly not alone, some projects *insist* on using the explicit ==NULL or !=NULL, so I just wanted to make sure.
{ Completely off-topic, but there is a big "gotcha" in Lua, zero is considered a valid number and evaluates to TRUE. e.g. if(not N) and if(N==0) mean two different things. }
Interesting. I'm not completely sure but I believe to remember in Pascal it is similar. If so, this might be a reason for my preference to use the explicit "!= NULL" because my first programming attempts were with Pascal ;-). There is another little, though not really important, advantage of the explicit "!= NULL": you can see the type of the checked variable more easily. E.g.
char *data = "asdasd"; ... (many lines of code) ... if (data)
Then you have to know data is a pointer of char, or scroll back to look at it. With "if (data != NULL)" you know, it is a pointer type and not an integer or something similar. But again, this is not really important. Better to write code where you don't have to scroll back so far that it matters ;-). Or just use variable names which indicate the type like data_ptr but this I personally don't like even more, hehe.
- The documentation is hand edited HTML, I tried to make it look similar to the Lua docs, I'm not sure how well it would "fit" with the Geany docs.
Does it have to? Ok, it would be nice if all docs would look like the same but either we play a bit with the CSS or we just skip it. The most important thing is that docs exist and are usuable.
I say we just don't worry about it. Most beginning script writers will probably be bouncing mostly between the geanylua docs and the Lua docs anyway, at least that was my reasoning.
I don't think this is a really big problem. Maybe we can discuss/solve it later.
I'm interested in how to use the autotools on Windows? Is there any way to use them without cygwin?
I ran the "bootstrap" autotools setup for geanylua on SuSE, but the resulting ./configure script worked for me with mingw-cross for Linux, and mingw+msys on win98 and Win2k.
The main problem I ran into is that libtool complains about undefined references and refuses to build the DLL. But it doesn't generate an error, so I added a target to call the linker on its own which seems to work fine. The catch there is that you have build the target explicitly by saying "make win32"
You can search "mingw" in my "configure.in" to get a general idea of what I did, but of course, Geany is a lot more complex project, so your mileage may vary.
Thanks for the info. I'll have a look at it.
I'm sure there will still be some other points to work out, but nothing we can't handle...
E.g. whether to wait until after the next release or to push it immediately into it.
I have some bug fixes and a couple of new features that I haven't released yet. I'll try to give the code one more good cleanup and then upload it to my site in the next couple of days. After that you can decide when you want to perform the transplant surgery.
We? Nick and me already stated we would be happy with merging.
Regards, Enrico