On 17/09/07 22:56:35, Jeff Pohlmeyer wrote:
[...] I would also like to be able to clear any existing messages, and activate the notebook tab. It looks like the easiest way would be to add a reference to the global struct MessageWindow into the struct GeanyData. I can work up a patch if that sounds OK. ( I would call the field msg_win since we already have a msgwindow )
I think it might be best to avoid exposing the MessageWindow fields - would a single function to clear and focus a message window tab be sufficient?
Also, I'm not sure what sort of housekeeping I need to do when I assign the build_info.dir string. I assume that if it's non-null to begin with, I would need to free the existing string, but then who is responsible to free the new string that I allocated?
Whoever sets the string. If you like you could use:
#include "utils.h" ... setptr(build_info.dir, g_strdup(new_path_str));
Regards, Nick