On Sun, 28 Jun 2009 15:35:32 +0200, daspostloch@googlemail.com wrote:
Hi, can I somehow let the build commands be caught and executed by the terminal widget?
I love one-click builds (using cd build-"%e" && make all && ./"%e" ). But I use the terminal a lot, so I want to avoid switching between the compiler and terminal widget.
This is (currently) not possible. In general, you can quickly change between the editor widget and the embedded terminal widget with F4 and F2 (or change the keys in the preferences dialog).
What I would also find awesome is tabbed terminals - you could run IPython a second one :)
No, sorry.
The second topic is that my C++ snippets do not get recognized in *.h files, even though my filetype_extension.conf lists *.h files under C++. Did I miss something?
Did you also remove the *.h from the "C" item in the config? Check that Geany really open your *.h files as C++ files by checking the filetype field in the statusbar.
Regards, Enrico