On Mon, 30 May 2011 09:35:26 +1000, Lex wrote:
I just changed the template to "Arctic" [1]. I like it though this is more or less just to test it, it's not a final decision. I'd like to get some more feedback about the template question.
Unfortunately, the author of the Arctic template won't maintain it anymore in the future but since it seems to be widely on the net, maybe someone else will continue maintaining it. I like that it has a sidebar which is quite flexible. At the moment, I just put a simple list of the categories in it as a simple navigation. Though we could change it later.
Yes, organisation is better and sidebar is better. Don't like it being unmaintained though. The docuwiki template library seems to list a version that templates are compatible with, does this mean that templates have to be updated each time docuwiki is upgraded?
I don't think so. Probably it's more a hint like ' this template has been tested with this version of DokuWiki'. But this is just a guess. The Arctic and Doogie (see below) templates are both officially *not* supported by the latest DokuWiki release which we are using, still I couldn't find anything broken. Still, using a maintained and support template is better.
And again, this is just a test, I'd also be ok with the Vector template.
Looks suspiciously like the Geany website, thats why you like it? :-D
Hehe, probably. Didn't chose it intentially because of this but maybe unconsciously.
Did you find any template that limits the max-width?
The only one I found and which looks okish is: http://www.dokuwiki.org/template:doogie
It's currently running on our wiki. It feels more like a blog layout than a wiki but maybe this is jjust because of the top navigation buttons instead of a sidebar. Is this better? The actual width of the page can surely be changed easily via CSS.
Alternatively, maybe Росен wants/can to spend some time to make a new fancy template for our needs, the Geany DokuWiki template :).
Regards, Enrico