On 02/02/14 01:12, Sayth Renshaw wrote:
OK using vanilla virtualenv(no wrapper) and with built in project from geany I have ~/Projects/Test/bin/activate for virtualenv.
The project is open and so %p as working directory works perfectly, however it returns error on source /bin/sh:1 :source "not found.
Updated the command to source bin/activate; python "%f" as thats the usual command line activation. still same error.
I'm afraid I wasn't clear enough about what I meant: Instead of using the 'bin/activate' script at all, just use the Python interpreter in the virtualenv's bin directory as this should know the paths already.
Something like this could be your build command:
%p/env/bin/python "%f"
(provided that your virtualenv is called 'env' in the project directory)
Regards, Enrico