Hey there,
Lex Trotman wrote:
Little Girl wrote:
This works if it's in the first four lines of the template:
# file://{command:pwd}/{filename}
should work anywhere IIUC
It only works in the first four lines of the template for me in Geany 1.25 under Linux Mint MATE 17.1 'Rebecca'. Maybe it's a bug?
So probably worth saying where it doesn't work.
It doesn't work if it's on line 5 or below.
The $GEANY_FILENAME and friends are only given values if they are known, but the filename isn't known for a new file so the variable is set but to nothing. That may be your problem.
When would be a good time to use $GEANY_FILENAME?
Actually if you put it that way it doesn't seem to be very useful that I can tell, but maybe somebody else has an idea.
LOL! I'll mess around with using it in various ways and places in Geany to see where it would be of use, and if I figure it out, I'll share in here. (:
A quick thought that I havn't time ATM to check, but maybe if its used on a comment template which can be pasted in after the file is saved it might be of some use, but not in new file templates.
I see those in Edit --> Insert Comments, but haven't figured out how to edit them. Thanks for the idea, though. I'll be toying with Geany some more, will figure out how to edit those, and try inserting it there. (: