On 8/4/06, Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com wrote:
On 04/08/06 06:52:51, John Gabriele wrote: [snip]
With regard to the "Replace control characters", I see that this means: if you put one of these 2-character patterns in your replace string (like \t), you'll actually get the control character when the replace happens (instead of the two separate '' and 't' characters). It may be an error that this option is in the "Find" dialog, correct?
No, what if you want to find lines with a certain indentation? Also it can be used to find Unicode characters by their code.
Ah. Ok. I was confused because the overloading of the word "replace" (in connection with "find and replace"). In both the "Find" and "Replace" dialogs, it might make it more clear to change this checkboxe's name from "Replace control characters" to "Interpret control characters", since the editor is "interpreting" what you really mean when you type \t or \uXXXX. Also, in the "Replace" dialog, you might add to the popup help for this item that the replacement happens for *both* the find text *and* the replace text. (That is, I think you can search for foo_\uXXXX and replace it with foo_\uYYYY.)
BTW, there seems to be a small bug in the "Replace" dialog: when the search text is the same as the replace text, and you don't have the case sensitive box checked, the editor just beeps at you when you hit "Find".
Also regarding the "Find" dialog, it might be useful for the user to have a checkbox to "keep this dialog window open", since you might like to change one or more search options during a search. Maybe just my personal preference though. I see that I could just hit Ctrl-f to get that dialog up again if I need it.
By coincidence I thought about this yesterday, and now you mention it I think the Find dialog should not be hidden after clicking Find, so I'll leave it up to the user when to close the dialog.
Just grabbed and built today's svn. Works great. :)
Thanks, ---John