On Sun, 2 Feb 2014 12:47:25 +0100 Alessandro Pasotti apasotti@gmail.com wrote:
is it possible to use geany to debug an ARM board with openocd and arm-none-eabi-gdb?
Scope is strictly a gdb/MI front end. AFAIK, neither the openocd commands not their output is gdb/MI compatible.
I tried the two GDB plugin but I couldn't understand how to configure gdb executable to point to the arm-none version.
Any hint?
In Scope: Tools -> Configuration Files -> scope.conf, alter:
[scope] gdb_executable=<your-gdb>
and save. For help: Tools -> Plugin Manager, select "Scope Debugger" from the list and click on the Help button.
I plan per-program gdb executable and gdb settings someday.