Liviu Andronic dixit:
I understand the reasons for keeping the conservative approach default (the "rm -rf ~" example). However it makes the feature virtually useless in more specific cases (such as evaluating R code). As is, to evaluate the second line of the following dummy R paragraph "2+2 3+3 4+4
I would need to:
- select "3+3"
- send selection to terminal
- with the mouse focus the terminal
- hit enter
- with the mouse hit on the correct part of the document to return editing.
To execute the last line is much easier:
- select "4+4" and the following "" empty line
- send selection to terminal.
If this works, why don't you write the to-be-evaluated code with blank lines from start:
" Or write it with simple line separators, then search&replace "\n" --> "\n\n" (with "use escape sequences" checked).
Here the code gets evaluated quickly and I can resume editing immediately. Being unable to easily execute R code is one of the main reasons I cannot use Geany for my R projects.
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