First of all: Thanks for the Geany, which has become my favourite editor for all kind of stuff :)
There is only one thing that could be improved which I am actually thinking about, and I talked to a lot of "editor-developers".
Actually I found no way to set the colours for syntax highlighting or even specify which parts should be highlighted.
As a reference I tried to "dress" any GUI editor like GVim seen on this screenshot: http://lucumr.pocoo.org/media/dynamic/images/1748/green-human.png
I think that is just a great style, but I found no editor (except GVim) that is capable of syntax highlighting like that.
Also tiny things like that the '"' (quote-signs) aren't not in the same color as the strings look very impressive.
Do you think, this is possible at all with geany/Scintilla?
Best regards, Timm