I'm responding to several different messages at once here, hope you can follow it...
if the people here would rather keep a central location for all Geany plugins.
No, at least not me. I only intented to offer the possiblity to use Geany's SVN not to force external plugin authors to do so
Yes, I understand you weren't trying to force anything.
What I was trying to say is that I don't want to feel like the "odd man out" if everyone else wants to move their plugins into Geany's SVN.
Well, IIRC there is no way at sourceforge to finetune access permissions of the SVN repo, everyone who has write access can write all files in the repo. But I think this isn't a problem as long as nobody commits any code in paths where he shouldn't.
Hmmm.. I thought maybe you could to set up restrictions for various users and directories. Of course it's up to you, but it seems like it might turn into a real administrative nightmare, whether to allow John Doe write access to the entire repository for his new coffeemaker plugin, or risk hurting his feelings by rejecting it.
One major show stopper would be that on Linux you can't just install a binary plugin that will work across different distributions, versions of glibc, etc.
And things get even more complicated if the plugin requires additional third-party libraries or applications, like maybe libpython, etc...
And to add one more dependency, I imagine the plugin format would require some sort of archiving and compression library.
There is another problem with installing binaries from the net: security. A security aware user shouldn't install or use any binaries without proper verification.
Which I think also argues for keeping SVN commit access to a bare minimum.
To make a long story short, if anyone feels really bored, please go for it and write a plugin for a plugin manager of this kind.
I think I'll pass on that one :-)
- Jeff