On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 13:17:28 +0100 spir denis.spir@gmail.com wrote:
Looks nice and practicle at first sight. But I guess this is not (only) a new way for IDEs, rather for GUI in general. This may probably suit an IDE once the new way has become common in GUIs in general. Otherwise the programmer needs to first learn a whole totally different way of working with the computer. (This issue is similar for me to the one faced when starting with eg emacs, while maybe not that big.)
It also requires intelligent parsing by the IDE. geany was always (from memory) supposed to be a relatively simple IDE. More of an editor than a full-blown IDE. I can imagine situations where the proposed interface would be very handy, but equally I can imagine ones where it is hugely irritating.
One to watch methinks.