On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 09:22:09 +0200, spir wrote:
-1- startup folding What about having docs folded at open-time, especially at startup (files from last session)? (Actually, I never want them unfolded, as Geany currently does, so that I have to fold each file manually.) Should be a parameter to let the user set the preferred behaviour.
Someone just needs to implement it :). I won't work on this myself as I don't use folding at all.
-2- non-code doc folding Block struture is commonly used for all kinds of non-code documents, too. When editing them, folding would be a reeeaally coooooool ;-) feature. Even more than for code, in fact, because there is no code browser to help and quickly navigate. I would enjoy such a feature based on
- either C-like block syntax (open/close tokens)
- or python-like (indentation)
- or what else? (header syntax like [title]?)
Actually, once block structure is parsed, there may even be "pseudo-code-browsing".
This has to be supported in the first place by Scintilla, the editing component we use in Geany. So, please file a feature request at the Scintilla project (www.scintilla.org). Thanks.
-3- terminal settings I spoke once about terminal settings not activated at startup. Have some more infomation. If you "message window" is on, then at startup the bottom frame is open and shows status information. [...]
- Case you run before having manually switched to terminal, automatic
switching caused by running will not take settings into account. [it should be checked there whether settings are activited already?] Well,
You mean when Geany switches to the VTE tab when using Build->Run then font/colour settings are not applied to the VTE? If so, this is weird. It works fine here (Geany SVN, Debian Testing).
Regards, Enrico