Sean Wolfe <ether.joe@...> writes:
Hello everybody,
I've been happily using Geany for a little while now, coding mostly in Python. I have a couple questions:
- For a dark color scheme, eg Vibrant Ink, how do i get the active
line to not be highlighted. White text + white highlighting = invisible text on the line I'm trying to edit. Arrgh!
- Any debugger advice for python? I am finding winpdb is pretty slow
and actually crashes on my machine a fair amount.
I'm on a windows 7 64 bit installation.
REPLY :: Man I use ubuntu .. .confif->geany->geany.conf . In this file search for line "long_line_color" after this string replace the intial color with your background color ... for me initial was #C2EBC2 . I changed it to #111712 ... and of course that vertical line was a very very bad looking .... hated it too much ... happy coding bud ....