A gentleman called simon posted that editing the filetypes.python file in the fildefs folder would get pylint working in geany on linux.
How would the format of the PYTHONPATH statement need to be in windows XP & 7 so that pylint would work. I tried a couple of variants but could not get anything to work.
This was the code post.
[build-menu] FT_00_LB=pep8 FT_00_CM=pep8 --repeat --count "%f" FT_00_WD= FT_01_LB=PyLint (basic) FT_01_CM=PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:"%d" pylint --output-format=parseable --reports=n --errors-only "%f" FT_01_WD= FT_02_LB=PyLint (full) FT_02_CM=PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:"%d" pylint --output-format=parseable "%f" FT_02_WD= error_regex=^([^:]+?):([0-9]+):.+