On Thu, 8 May 2008 12:38:16 +0100, Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com wrote:
On Thu, 8 May 2008 08:23:04 +0200 Joerg Desch jd.vvd@web.de wrote:
I've enabled the visibility of spaces (these small dots). If I mark some line now (Shift+Cursor), the block isn't solid anymore. The background of the spaces does not change within the block mark.
Is there a way to change this? It is really confusing because I can't see, if the indentation of a line is marked too.
Do you mean you can't see the dots of the spaces and arrows of tabs when there's a selection? If not could you provide a small screenshot?
I'd guess he's referring to something like this: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.editors.geany.general/773/match=highlight
The proposed 'solution':
"Just change the fourth argument of the setting "white_space" in filetypes.common[1] to false. Then the set background colour for whitespace is ignored and you get the same results as on my screenshot.
[1] http://geany.uvena.de/manual/index.html#special-file-filetypes-common
Regards, Enrico"